
©poeta mors


I looked into his eyes, and to his guitar,
he told me he would teach me,
that I could get real far.
He told me about the wonders,
that it did to him
how it made him happy,
how it made him grin.
He asked me if I dared to,
if I really did.
These tears they don't lie, do they?
or so it seemed to me.
I told him: "You know me,
of course I'll follow you,
just ask me anything,
anything I'll do.
He told me to get the bottle of pills,
from the closet in the room,
I told him: "Kurt, I'll be up with you,
I'll be close to you soon".
The fifth hit my stomach,
I could feel the pain,
then I looked outside,
there you were out in the rain.
I couldn't believe it,
my head started to spin.
"No!", you yelled towards him,
"I won't let you win!".
You confessed your feelings,
just a bit too late.
My eyes started to close now,
nothing I could do, then I simply
said it, I said: "I LOVE YOU"...